I know that I am so close to fulfilling the dreams that God has put inside of me. God's favor allowed me to win a scholarship. I hit a few stumbling blocks when making arrangements to use the money. The Lord's blessings maketh rich and add no sorrow! "I SAID THE LORD'S BLESSINGS MAKETH RICH AND ADD NO SORROW," that is how my grandma would say it to get her point across. If God has blessed then leave it up to Him to work everything out in your favor. Oh, Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD; Blessed is the man who trusts in HIM! Psalm 34:8.
I love that hair!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!
Friday, April 24, 2009
No matter what the sound is...
My brother called me bright and early at 7:30 this morning. He was telling me that he wanted to put some songs together to give to my mom for mother's day. He was in an accident last year and suffered a head injury. He proceeded to tell me about a song that he says helps him make it through the day. Lo and behold, its "Lord Its In Your Hands," by a quartet group, Ronica & The Mighty Blazing Stars. He said that it keeps his mind on God. The lesson for me was, no matter what the sound is, if it draws you to think on God's goodness, then the Lord is being glorified.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Messing up your crown & glory!
I have been saturating myself listening to Williams Murphy's The SOUND! I know this cd has been out for a while but I finally got it. Walmart had it for $9.88. My favorites are I Will Rejoice & Angel's Cry.
Angel's Cry describes how the angels or "live creatures" as Revelation 4 says, cry..."Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come." Then the 24 elders fall down before the Lord and worship Him. They throw down the crowns that they are wearing. I am sure they are looking quite stylish wearing crowns on their heads. There is nothing raggedy about heaven...Its all splendor and glory. So it made me think about how no matter how cute we look with our hair done and wearing our Armani suits.

We still have to worship God! They didn't care about getting down & dirty and throwing down their glorious crowns. How do you feel about messing that hair up on Sunday that you just got done on Saturday? Can you stand to risk getting makeup on the $2000 Armani suit for our God? He is worthy to be praised! No matter what!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Rabboni, My Great Master!
I am so excited about Resurrection Sunday which is also on my birthday! I am not quite sure where all the Easter commercialism comes from. I will have to check that out later. Today I was reading about when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus. I am referring to the account in John 20:10-18. She had been crying because she had looked in the tomb and he was not there. The angels asked her what she was crying about. She said "They have taken my Lord away and I don't know where they have put him." Then later Jesus, himself, asked her why she was crying. She thought he was the gardener and began to ask about the body. He called her name and at that point she realized that she was not speaking to the gardener but to Jesus, she said, 'Rabboni', which means master.
Rabboni is a form of the title, rabbi, that has three forms. The term rabbi was a title of respect placed on learned men like teachers, doctors, lawyers, which basically meant master. "Rab" meant 'master', "Rabbi" meant 'my master', and Rabbon or Rabboni meant 'great master or my great master, respectively'! So when she said Rabboni, she was saying LORD of LORDS. There is no one greater! She was not referring to him as a mere man using the title that she would use when speaking to a man. The bible says that even Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord in 1 Peter 3:6. Mary was speaking to Jesus with the greatest honor that the title held, RABBONI! MY GREAT MASTER!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Trampling Snakes in Red Stilettos!

This blog is suppose to be about fashion, too. Well today let's admire the beauty of shoes, particularly stilettos and boots! They should not only look good, but do what they were purchased to do, protect the bottom of your feet while you walk around.
I was discussing with my pastor a dream that I recently had about a snake. I am a dreamer so when I dreamed about a snake a few weeks ago, I thought, 'uh oh...what is this about?' I know that snakes represent the enemy so I immediately began to pray. My pastor mentioned the scripture Luke 10:18 Behold, I give unto you power to tread upon serpents & scorpions and all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. She explained to me that the word tread also meant to hit with your fist or a hammer.

Well, I hadn't heard it explained in that capacity before but I was grateful that she mentioned it because its one of my favorite scriptures. We do have power to tread/trample upon snakes/serpents and ALL the powers of the ENEMY and nothing is going to hurt us. Of course we must recognize that our power comes from the Lord, Jesus Christ!
As we spend time with the Lord, we grow to understand the authority that we have to do great exploits in His name. There is boldness when we pray because we know who is backing us up! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. The Lord is greater than any circumstance that comes against us to throw us off our game.
So how are you treading on those snakes? Are you using stilettos, boots, or hammer toes? Whatever you are using, it definitely has the capacity to get the job done. I prefer the stilettos myself, but no matter what, you have the authority & power to eliminate that enemy coming against you.
Perhaps you prefer to just hit one time with a single blow or strike, like a scorpion might sting. I think a stiletto with a nice sharp heel should do the job. You shouldn't get too messy with that! Or maybe you are the type who wants to be a little more violent and hit with repeated blows. Get those boots out and stomp the crap out of that snake!!

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