Sunday, January 16, 2011

Moving Beyond My Solar Eclipse.

For this blog to be a blessing to people there is a deal of transparency on my part that is involved. I don’t know just how transparent I want to be but I learned something today. I was talking to a friend about God and how we can let our issues get in the way of seeing Him. It’s like a total solar eclipse.

During the time of a total solar eclipse the moon comes in between the earth and the sun. For a few minutes the sky is either totally black or we see the moon with the outline of the sun around it a few hours. That is what happened to me in my view of God. I let my issues/failures get in between me and God and I couldn’t see Him. All I saw were my issues. But as I began to praise God in spite of MYSELF, my focus on those issues shifted and I could see His goodness again. I could see His sweet, tender mercies that are renewed everyday.

I was disappointed in myself for doing something that I said I would not do again. Like most people, when I mess up I’m my own worse enemy. I will mope around and after a few days talk to God about it. But that wasn’t the case today. I had to get in an atmosphere of praise & worship so that “I” could move out of the way. My eyes were on me and not on HIM. He promised that if I keep my eyes on HIM he would keep me in perfect peace. I feel like preaching in here...LOL. So don’t let your issues or worries get in the way of seeing God. He is not going anywhere. Just like in a total eclipse the sun is not moving. It’s the moon that is moving. So when your worries or issues get in the way and you can’t see the goodness of God, lift up some praise & worship and watch how it moves out of the way and His GOODNESS shines through.  Your focus won’t be on you but on HIM.

Romans 8:38-39, the amplified version says it best:

38For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, 39Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


  1. I feel you sistah on being "my own worst enemy". It is funny. I was talking to my uncle today about Forgiveness because I am having a hard time forgiving an old friend for gossiping about me. (I know this is childish, but it really hurts) He told me that True Forgiveness is realizing that my evilness towards a person really isn't against the person, but against God. That statement really had me thinking all day long....I understand what he is saying, I have to get past my feelings & just do what is right before the Lord. So I understand the illustration of the eclipse you posted here, I have to get out of the way. I pray I get out the way & allow God to do his work in me. Thank you for this post. Have a good night.

  2. I have never heard forgiveness described like that but it does make sense and is so true! I can understand why it still hurts. It was your friend. Most of the time you can move pass it when its some random person, but a friend...I totally feel you. You are moving in the right direction, though. Your desire to walk closer with Christ brings this to the forefront. Otherwise, you would be going on still mad at the person with no problem. Try to forgive him/her by faith with God's grace. Grace gives us the ability to do stuff we can't naturally do. :-) I read a book called 'Who switched off my brain' and it helped me to forgive people faster. Talks about how negative feelings affect your body & brain. I went through an experience that proved this book to be true. As always, thank you for your transparency in posting your comment.

  3. Hey, I have some good news! I talked with my old friend yesterday after 5 1/2 months. We both did clear the air & I was open with her & told her the truth about how I felt when she hurt me. She is still in denial about her actions but I made the choice to let it go. I did tell her in a nice way that I did not think it'll be wise for us to remain friends but I still love her very very much. She agreed. She said she believed that we will be friends again & I really believe that too but for right now, I think we both need to heal. I feel a who lot better now that I talked with her. My anger towards her was giving me sleepless nights...seriously. It also feels good not to fight anymore. Thank you sistah for your post.

  4. That is indeed some good news! I am so happy for you! 'YOU DID GOOD,' as my dad likes to say. I agree with you about needing the healing and also being open to being friends in the future. Time can heal old wounds. I know friendships can be restored so I wouldn't be surprised to hear that y'all are good friends again. God did that for me and one of my best friends. Thank you for sharing that with me.


  5. Hey gal,
    I have given you a Stylish and Versatile Bloggers Award. See my blog for details... Have a lovely wkend! x
