Saturday, August 13, 2011

Know How The Story Ends.

Recently I've been thinking of all Jesus had to go through while on Earth before being crucified. He was beaten badly. I began to feel sad for a second but then realized it HAD to be done. For me to be sitting here with hope for tomorrow, Jesus had to endure through those things to get to [Resurrection] Sunday morning. I know it's not Easter but the Resurrection of Jesus is an every day message. We can get through these light afflictions because joy comes in the morning. Jesus had a purpose. Although on the night before He was taken He prayed to the Father three times, 'if it is possible let this cup pass from me'; He wanted to fulfill the Father's will more than His own, 'not my will but thou will be done'. Ultimately it was Jesus' will, too. His sole purpose was to do what He saw His Father do. Say what His Father said. Jesus was the perfect Son, doing exactly what He was told to do, not straying although it appeared that His Father had left Him. How many times has the temptation been there to stray from what you know to do just because things don't look like they are working out the way they are suppose to. We can't lose heart because of the way things appear. We know how the story is suppose to end. Why do we want to give up? The scripture says we are hard pressed on every side but we are not crushed. What ever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Remember which side wins. All things work together for your good. Know how the story ends.

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