Thursday, August 17, 2017

Doggy decides the case

I came across a video of one of Judge Judy’s cases that reminded me of the wisdom of King Solomon. In this particular case a man’s lost dog had been sold told a woman for $50. The man was in court trying to prove that the dog belonged to him. I did not see the case but only the video clip when Judge Judy tells the woman’s daughter to go get the dog. As soon as the dog comes in and picks up the scent of his owner, he began to get excited and raised his head. When the man started greeting the dog, the dog became even more excited. Judge Judy tells the woman to put the dog down. As soon as she places the dog on the floor he ran to his owner and was trying to jump on him and was wagging his tail. The dog clearly belonged to the man.

It was truly amazing to me watching this video. In this case, the dog couldn’t talk to say who his real owner was. His actions gave the answer. Immediately after watching the video I thought about King Solomon judging the case between the two prostitutes who came before him about a baby. The women lived together and both had recently given birth. One of the babies had apparently died and the two women were fighting over who the living baby belonged to. 

The two women were living together and one night one of the mothers rolled over onto her baby. After discovering that her baby had died during the night, she placed the dead baby in the other woman’s bed and took the live baby and placed it in her bed. When the other woman woke up the next day she saw that the baby in her bed was not only dead, but also not her child and that is how they ended up in Judge Solomon’s court room. 

King Solomon decided to call for a sword to split the baby in two and give each mother one half of the baby. The fake mother was okay with that but the real mother begged him not to do such a horrible thing. She asked the judge to allow the woman to keep the baby to avoid killing it. King Solomon knew that the real mother was the one that was willing to give the baby up to keep it alive. 

God gave King Solomon more wisdom than anyone has ever had or ever will have. What an amazing gift to be able to solve the hardest situations that manifest in life. We may not have the wisdom of Solomon but if we ask God for wisdom, He will give it to us. When we have the Holy Spirit at work in our lives we have access to the Spirit of Wisdom. If you are facing great challenges in your life right now, seek God to show you how to navigate them. Don't carry unnecessary burdens and pain when we can give them over to God. Even if the situation involves circumstances that can’t go back to the way it was previously, like a death occurring in your family, God can still help you live through that hard situation. His grace is sufficient. Sufficient means that its just enough to keep you from caving in to heart ache. Merriam-Webster defines it as ‘enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end’. Take life day by day. 

You can read more about how King Solomon judged this case in 1 Kings 3:16-28. Here is the video of the Judge Judy case that I saw that prompted this post:

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