Saturday, May 29, 2010

I can't hold it! Praise is the way I say THANKS!

When I hear J Moss' song Praise on the Inside it excites me so much that I sing it as HARD as I can and SCREAM it as LOUD as I can. Sorry neighbors. I just can't help it! This maybe because I pick up on the excitement of J Moss as he worships. A shout bursts forth from me because that is the spirit of this beautiful song. This is the way praise should be. It shouldn't be constrained or stifled but free to come out whenever, where ever, and however it needs to. Its militant in nature. When the Israelites went into battle the praisers were first in line.

21 And when he [Jehoshaphat, the king] had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the LORD, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: “Praise the LORD, For His mercy endures forever.”

The Israelites won the battle afterwards. They were triumphant. And as they were so are you! Praise breaks down everything that the enemy can present to discourage you. We are not to be ignorant of the enemies devices. During these times you have to praise your way through as my former pastor used to say. Its so important that when we go through trying times that we keep praise music playing in our environment. Music changes the atmosphere. You will have hope and have the faith that God is going to strengthen you and give you peace as He brings you through your situation. You can't listen to this song and not be pulled along into the shouts of praise that it inspires. PRAISE IS THE WAY WE SAY THANKS!