Thursday, January 27, 2011


Have you ever prayed or asked someone to pray for you about something, then about ten minutes later; you say something contrary to your prayer?

I was talking to the Lord tonight about a predicament that I was facing. I had taken a few steps to work it out but was not feeling like it was going to change. I said, “Lord, I don’t know if this term fits this situation or not but, ‘It is what it is.’ Meaning, it’s the way it is and you [I] can’t change it. Its hopeless, just deal with it.

I said this in ignorance because after I thought about what that term means I had to recant that statement.  I said, ‘Wait a minute…that doesn’t apply to my life.’ It’s not what it is. It’s what God says it is.

I forget sometimes that nothing is too hard for God. It’s like I give Him easy stuff and I hold on to more challenging things with worry. You take care of that God but I’m going to worry about this one.  Why is it so easy to forget how mighty our God is? I forgot who I was talking to. Lord, forgive me for forgetting how great You are; that You are looking all over the earth to see who You can show yourself strong to.

The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
Psalm 119:130, NKJV.

God’s words bring light. That means it brings hope to dark, hopeless situations.  It brings insight. It causes you to take a look from another direction, taking a different point of view. My statement was indeed ‘simple’ but it eventually caused me to pay closer attention to the words that I speak. I can’t afford to speak words that imply that things are so hopeless that they can’t be changed.

I’m an optimistic person. Not only is the glass half full, my cup is meant to be running over. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Moving Beyond My Solar Eclipse.

For this blog to be a blessing to people there is a deal of transparency on my part that is involved. I don’t know just how transparent I want to be but I learned something today. I was talking to a friend about God and how we can let our issues get in the way of seeing Him. It’s like a total solar eclipse.

During the time of a total solar eclipse the moon comes in between the earth and the sun. For a few minutes the sky is either totally black or we see the moon with the outline of the sun around it a few hours. That is what happened to me in my view of God. I let my issues/failures get in between me and God and I couldn’t see Him. All I saw were my issues. But as I began to praise God in spite of MYSELF, my focus on those issues shifted and I could see His goodness again. I could see His sweet, tender mercies that are renewed everyday.

I was disappointed in myself for doing something that I said I would not do again. Like most people, when I mess up I’m my own worse enemy. I will mope around and after a few days talk to God about it. But that wasn’t the case today. I had to get in an atmosphere of praise & worship so that “I” could move out of the way. My eyes were on me and not on HIM. He promised that if I keep my eyes on HIM he would keep me in perfect peace. I feel like preaching in here...LOL. So don’t let your issues or worries get in the way of seeing God. He is not going anywhere. Just like in a total eclipse the sun is not moving. It’s the moon that is moving. So when your worries or issues get in the way and you can’t see the goodness of God, lift up some praise & worship and watch how it moves out of the way and His GOODNESS shines through.  Your focus won’t be on you but on HIM.

Romans 8:38-39, the amplified version says it best:

38For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, 39Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We have not because we ask not? Part 2

Here is a video showing more jewelry that I received. God is good. You can read the previous post here.

Friday, January 7, 2011

God knows how to use Adobe Photoshop!

I love God so much. I really wish I could hug Him. He is so smart. He knows absolutely EVERYTHING! GOD I LOVE YOU!! Yeah, I'm shouting because I want Him to know how much I love Him. He knows how to use Adobe Photoshop and create banners. I tried designing my blog's banner many times and after what seemed like the 50th time it began to come together for me. I was working on it until the wee hours of the morning. Then all of a sudden I was led to place one image here and some type there and 'WOW' its done and I love it! Here are just a few attempts and you can see the final banner on display. Just in case I change it, I'm going to post it below.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Spirit Sings: Moving Forward

When I wake up in the morning most of the time there is a song on my heart. I always think of this as my spirit singing. I love music. I grew up loving it because my dad is a musician and was always in a band. My mom always had the radio on. Most of the songs that I hear are christian songs but there have been times when they are secular. I believe that what you listen to makes deposits on your spirit. Music can make you feel good, sad, angry, sexy, confident, etc. That is why listening to positive things is so important. It can build you up in areas that you need to be built up in. Use it to your advantage. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Even those times that I hear a secular song in my spirit its always a message that I need to hear. One morning I woke up hearing Survivor by Destiny's Child. I could be wondering about things the night before and as soon as I open my eyes its like the radio turns on in the inside of me. It will even continue through out the day. I know many people are like that. Your spirit is always singing. We have to tune in to see what God wants to say to us. The song on my heart this morning is Moving Forward by Israel Houghton. Just for a second last night I became a little discouraged about my future. I've got to get a thicker skin. It only lasted a moment but I guess it was enough for God to address it through this song. In this video, Israel talks about this song.