Friday, January 7, 2011

God knows how to use Adobe Photoshop!

I love God so much. I really wish I could hug Him. He is so smart. He knows absolutely EVERYTHING! GOD I LOVE YOU!! Yeah, I'm shouting because I want Him to know how much I love Him. He knows how to use Adobe Photoshop and create banners. I tried designing my blog's banner many times and after what seemed like the 50th time it began to come together for me. I was working on it until the wee hours of the morning. Then all of a sudden I was led to place one image here and some type there and 'WOW' its done and I love it! Here are just a few attempts and you can see the final banner on display. Just in case I change it, I'm going to post it below.


  1. Your blog makes me want to really reconnect my life with Christ. I've allowed anger to separate my life from the Lord. I love the Lord but I know that I have to do what is right by him & show him that I love him with my life style. Thanks for being bold to post the goodness of God.

  2. I am glad that this blog is a blessing to you. That is exactly what it is here for. Know that Jesus can meet you where you are and move you right along to where you need to be in Him. He's like one of those friends that you haven't seen or heard from in a while and when you talk again its like you pick up where you left off. No time or space has elapsed. Thank you for your comment, it is very encouraging to me.

  3. Yes, He does know how to use all kinds of software including Blogger as well. There was something I've been wanting to do for a while on Blogger but I just couldn't find a tab for it until one morning while I was in bed, God told me where to go look. And when I checked, it was exactly were He told me to look. Awesome God! :)

  4. I love it. He is so awesome. Stuff like that always wows me. Thank you for your comment, Gospel Girl.
