Thursday, January 27, 2011


Have you ever prayed or asked someone to pray for you about something, then about ten minutes later; you say something contrary to your prayer?

I was talking to the Lord tonight about a predicament that I was facing. I had taken a few steps to work it out but was not feeling like it was going to change. I said, “Lord, I don’t know if this term fits this situation or not but, ‘It is what it is.’ Meaning, it’s the way it is and you [I] can’t change it. Its hopeless, just deal with it.

I said this in ignorance because after I thought about what that term means I had to recant that statement.  I said, ‘Wait a minute…that doesn’t apply to my life.’ It’s not what it is. It’s what God says it is.

I forget sometimes that nothing is too hard for God. It’s like I give Him easy stuff and I hold on to more challenging things with worry. You take care of that God but I’m going to worry about this one.  Why is it so easy to forget how mighty our God is? I forgot who I was talking to. Lord, forgive me for forgetting how great You are; that You are looking all over the earth to see who You can show yourself strong to.

The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
Psalm 119:130, NKJV.

God’s words bring light. That means it brings hope to dark, hopeless situations.  It brings insight. It causes you to take a look from another direction, taking a different point of view. My statement was indeed ‘simple’ but it eventually caused me to pay closer attention to the words that I speak. I can’t afford to speak words that imply that things are so hopeless that they can’t be changed.

I’m an optimistic person. Not only is the glass half full, my cup is meant to be running over. 


  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, JamiLynn!

  2. this is sooo true!! i have to keep telling myself to just say "God help me do what it is You want me to do". I also have to remember that God is amazing and I have to have Ephesians 3:20 faith. That God will do the immeasurable. thx for this!!

  3. He most certainly will! Thank you for commenting, Christianista!

  4. Yes...I loved it as well. We (I) often stress out about things we (I) can not change. Sometimes we (I) just have to let go & let God do his work. That is the only way we (I) can learn to trust him....I keep adding (I) because I am still a work in progress lol. Thanks for posting this. Very encouraging.

  5. I love your comment, Keianna. It made me smile cause I'm a work in progress, too.

  6. Loved this! So right on time for me too because I have dealt with speaking or thinking negatively because of how a situation may look without remembering how great HE really is. You are so right it is what GOD says. Love this!

  7. I know what you mean, Andrea. I have to get rid of the short term memory that sometimes makes me forget His faithfulnes. Thanks for leaving a comment.
