Sunday, December 19, 2010

We have not because we ask not?

About two months ago I was praying about wearing more accessories. I'm not really in a position to purchase a lot but I was going to start trying to build my accessories, one pair of earrings at a time. Well I purchased my first two pair the day after I prayed.

The very next day someone gave me this necklace. Its long and fits nicely over a button down shirt. It looked perfect with the outfit that I had on at the time.

The next day that same person gave me another necklace, right off of her neck. God bless you, Mrs. Bea!  She is such a DIVA!

Here are the rest of the accessories that I've received within the last two weeks. I was very excited when I got these round turquoise blue earrings. I LOVE this color. I wore them today with a dress in the same color.

I can't wait to wear these. They are so unique to me. 

I wore this necklace with another pair of earrings the other day. It goes perfectly with a black and white sweater that I have. 

This necklace is much prettier in person. The camera doesn't really capture the beautiful colors.

And here is what I got as a Christmas gift from my job. 

God answers prayer even when what we are asking for seems insignificant. I want to always look sharp and wearing accessories is a part of that. 


  1. WOW! Sister, we have the same kind of style. I loved loved loved those Peal Earings...Wishing you great success on your Blog.

  2. Me too, I feel real classy in those earrings. Thank you for checking out my blog and for your well wishes. I hope that you have much success as well!
